Thursday, September 30, 2010

Simple Math: Me + GM Cereal Coupons = Cheap Eats

Today I present a simple formula for saving yourself a pile of dough, while also earning another pile of dough for your local school.

Note: Even if you don’t like math, here’s one theorem that’s pretty easy to prove. You don’t even need a pencil.

Download a free, printable, General Mills Cereal Coupon.

Choose your favorite boxes of cereal at a drastically, discounted price.

Snip and save the Box Top symbols from the boxes. Donate them to the nearest school. The school gets ten cents per symbol, and you get the satisfaction of helping the kids.

How’s that for simple math and simple savings? Just don’t forget the milk.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Kentucky Fried Goodness

Name that movie: 

"He puts an addictive chemical in his chicken that makes ya crave it fortnightly!"
Ha, ha! Cracks me up every time. "So I Married an Ax Murderer". 

Although I've never really figured out how long a fortnight is, because I crave that extra crispy all the time.

And I've also never figured out the significance of Kentucky Fried, especially since I heard KFC was started in Utah, but whatever the reason, I love that stuff. 

It's the only tasty food that comes in a bucket I think. Let me know if you can think of any other scrumptious bucket victuals. Until then, click here for free KFC coupons.

My twelve cents worth

Yesterday my friend's fb status update said something like: the grocery store paid her 12 cents to take food out of the store. (BTW does anyone know where to find the elusive cents symbol on the keyboard?)

A penny saved is a penny earned.
That true story was soon followed by tons of similar stories being posted. The whole thing gave me an idea. A blog for coupon lovers.

I call it A Cloud Pony, it's an anagram for Coupon Lady. I figure everyone loves ponies way more than they love to get stuck in line behind the coupon lady. SO welcome to A Cloud Pony blog.

I'm here to tell you the coupon world is one clique (or should I say CLICK, most coupons are actually downloadable, printable, or simply codes.) that's always looking for new members. We love to save, we love to talk about savings, and we love to hear others talk about saving.

Follow this cloud pony, you'll be glad you did.